View from the Summit

Who Is Your Trusted Advisor?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 16, 2014 8:46:00 AM


  • Who do you talk to when you are undecided?
  • Who’s an unbiased advisor when the chips are down?
  • When you’re deciding between good and best, who’s your trusted advisor?

Most of the time what I hear is “I don’t have one”.

We generally revert to a life long friend or business associate in another field. We call legal council or talk to our spiritual advisor. All of these people have a significant role in our life but rarely can they offer an unbiased honest opinion for fear of leading you astray.

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Topics: Life Coaching

Does the end justify the means?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 14, 2014 8:44:00 AM

Is there ever a right time to lie?

  • Is the absence of all the facts a lie?
  • If you neglect to speak to an inaccuracy are you lying?

lie - noun
a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.
an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.

  • “Of course Santa Clause is real.”
  • “Look what the tooth fairy left you.”
  • “Don’t cheat! the Boogie Man will get you.”

These all seem pretty harmless and childlike but are they?

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Topics: Life Coaching, Business Coaching

Am I entitled to an inheritance?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 11, 2014 8:43:00 AM

Growing up in the south I have been exposed to hard working country people my entire life.


Blue collar family and friends were all I knew.  My dad was a general contractor, my grandfather worked for the railroad. Survival was the common theme not surplus.

Thinking about inheritance has never been in my round table discussions. My mom has done very well stretching her income and sacrificing and I suspect there will be something left for her heirs. But am I entitled to it? Absolutely not!

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Topics: Life Coaching

Why Do I Need A Coach?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 7, 2014 8:40:00 AM

We all want our life to count and have a significant impact…

…we all want to make the most of our time at work and with our families. Of course we all do, but what does that have to do with needing a coach?

Check out the origins of the word, “coach” from

1550–60;  1840–50   for sense “tutor”; earlier  coche  e  ) < Middle French  coche   <  German  Kotsche, Kutsche   <  Hungarian kocsi,   short for  kocsi szekér   cart of Kocs, town on the mainroad between Vienna and Budapest; senses referring totutoring, from the conception of the tutor as one whocarries the student through examinations

Whether you are a CEO, entrepreneur or employee for Ford Motor Company there are unexpected “exams” you will be facing everyday. Truly successful people learn how to enlist the help of others to help “carry them through”.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching


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