View from the Summit

Little League Or The Office | Balancing Work And Family

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 20, 2014 8:29:00 AM

It is a challenge balancing work and family.

If you are like me it’s been a constant battle. When my daughters were involved with cheer leading and gymnastics there was always a meet or competition and was it difficult to make all of the events. My heart was always with my girls but the mortgage was always due on the 15th. Being an entrepreneur and self employed never allowed me to count on someone else. If I didn’t produce it, it didn’t happen. Hence, the battle for my time.

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Topics: Life Coaching

It Is Not About Me

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 18, 2014 8:28:00 AM

Want a powerful leadership lesson? Remember this: It is not about me.


If you have not figured it out by now I’m a pretty hard charger. My day starts really early, normally between 4:30 and 5:00 AM. I start out with a cup of coffee, quite time, devotion and one hour of exercise. I’m fortunate to have a home office and that allows me to visit with my wife, eat breakfast and travel up I14 (14 stairs that lead to my loft office). My day is action packed with coaching sessions, blogging, tweeting and answering questions from clients from the previous day. I don’t want to make my day sound any more hectic or busier than yours because I’m sure its not.

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Topics: Life Coaching

How To Know If It Is The Best Time To Buy A Vacation Home?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 16, 2014 8:26:00 AM

Knowing the best time to buy a vacation home is something you really need to think wisely through.


I understand the appeal and the “emotions” involved having owned two of my own vacation properties. I bought a really beautiful home years ago in the hills of the Smokey Mountains. It was called Cobly Knobb and it overlooked Bent Creek Golf Course, a really beautiful place. I kept this property for about 10 years.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Finances

He Sucks The Life Out Of Me! – Hate Answering The Phone?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 13, 2014 8:24:00 AM

Hate answering the phone? What about when others get YOUR calls? Learn how to make your calls something others will LOVE answering.

Hate Answering The Phone?Recent stats show that on average you check your smart phone 150 times per day. Wow, that makes me tired. Even with all that obsessive checking, have you come to the place where you hate answering the phone?
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Topics: Life Coaching


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