View from the Summit


Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 11, 2014 8:23:00 AM

When I was a young child my mom would caution me about saying I can't do something.

It was funny, she had a little saying,

Can't couldn't do it and Could did it all.

This saying has undoubtedly shaped my self esteem.

Perhaps I have learned to be over confident in areas that I'm inexperienced in but that little nudge of "you can do it" has provided miles of usefulness in my life and career.

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Topics: Life Coaching


Posted by Aaron Walker on May 30, 2014 8:16:00 AM

Making the best decisions on a daily basis has multiple challenges...


Working the right amount of hours, spending enough time with the children and being faithful with your thoughts and actions has its share of trials.

I am a long term member of a local community church and 18 years ago I was introduced to the practice of personal accountability. Resistant to the concept initially and unsure how this was going to pan out I reluctantly agreed to give it a try.  The selection process of 6 additional men was frightful to say the least. Some of the men I had long term relationships with and other relationships were newly made.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability


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