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View from the Summit

Winning Is Never Out Of Reach.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 23, 2015 9:18:00 AM



I was mesmerized standing atop the scenic overview. It didn't seem to bother me any that it was pouring down rain. The Westerdam of Holland America and The Princes of Norwegian looked like toys in the harbor of Charlotte Amalie. Visiting the highest point of the island allowed panoramic views of St Thomas. For many reasons, this is my favorite island. Robin and I honeymooned here 35 years ago, and we have made four subsequent visits. Tourism remains the number one industry, and it is very evident based on the number of jewelry stores. I have made my fair share of contributions to the precious metals and gemstones portion of Robin's portfolio. However, it's not the stores that continue to lure us back it's the warm hospitality of the islanders and the endless turquoise water.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Marriage

The Empty Chair

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 27, 2015 5:00:00 AM


It was very early this morning and I was sitting in my sunroom, going through my normal ritual of prayer and meditation.

It was dark in the room, coffee in hand; the only light shinning was a reflection from the snow. Going over a mental list of family, friends and clients made me extremely conscience of those I so deeply care about. Looking at the two matching chairs on the opposite side of the room made me uncomfortably aware that someday, one of them would be empty. Oh no, this is impossible, that can't be true. This is where we drink morning coffee, watch the birds and plan our day. This is the very location that's designated for our afternoon reflections. This is where we share our successes and address our trials. However, one day, hopefully not very soon, one chair will be empty.

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Topics: Motivation, Marriage, Family

Men, What is Your Motive?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 5, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Many years ago I would work tirelessly around the house helping Robin with various tasks and I was relentless with to-do list. Quite honestly, all for the wrong reason. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to help but I wanted to be noticed more.

When all my efforts went unnoticed or unappreciated, I sulked. I wanted those words of affirmation or recognition that I felt was due and payable. I wanted to be viewed as a great husband by Robin and I wanted to feel as though my dues were being paid. 

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Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Marriage, Family

If I Had Not Been With You, Would You Have Looked Again?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 2, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Several years ago Robin and I went on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise. After a week of pure luxury & relaxation, we elected to speed an additional week in the beautiful South Beach area of Miami.

The hotel was beautiful, the food was superb and the company, my wife, was the best. And then, oh man….. and then, the trouble started.

As we walked down the busy shopping district, adjacent to the gorgeous coastal waters, my day was shot immediately. In a nanosecond, in the blink of an eye, my day was shot.


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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family


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