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Five Things About Being a Good Partner in an Intimate Relationship

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 10, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Five things I have learned about being a good partner are:

1) Be willing to out serve your partner.

2) Be forthcoming and honest in all matters.

3) Be selfless and always strive to look out for their goals, accomplishments and recognize their successes.

4) Be willing to be second, give them the glory and lift them up in the good and the bad.

5) Be willing to always go the extra mile if that's what's needed for their benefit.

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Topics: Character, Marriage, Family

Healthy Boundaries

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 7, 2014 5:00:00 AM

In today's workplace the discussion of boundaries between men and women are practically non-existent. I have this conversation regularly with my accountability group and my spiritual advisers. 

Are there absolutes or is every situation discretionary? Coaching professional men is a daily practice for me and this is a topic that we invariably have to broach.

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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Career

Faith: Four Reasons You Can't Grow Alone

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 12, 2014 4:30:00 AM

REASON 1: As a Christ follower first and foremost, you have to know Him personally and realize His divine authority over all creation.

You cannot grow alone when the supreme heavenly father has a unique plan for your life.

God reveals our life incrementally as we follow him on a daily basis and cultivate our faith. God orders our steps as we diligently search his will. Other Christians are a great source of strength and wisdom and the Bible clearly tells us to forsake not the assembling of the saints.

Corporate worship is a God directed plan that helps us spiritually mature and allows for interaction with other believers. During immense study and prayer our true motives are revealed and hopefully humility is exercised.

Realizing we are simply stewards over what God has entrusted in us will cause extreme care in the way we prepare to handle our resources. Being aware of Gods grace and compassion will create in us a desire to honor our fellow man in a way that we want to be treated. 

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Topics: Motivation, Character, Marriage, Masterminds, Family, Balance

You Just Can't Over Communicate

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 5, 2014 2:36:01 AM

I can’t tell you how many times over the course of my marriage that if communication were not intentional we would have driven off a cliff.

We have owned many businesses and my work schedule has been grueling. There has been and will continue to be a give and take mindset for both of us.

Our next anniversary will be 35 years and I will have to say we both agree that communication has been a huge component of our success.

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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Balance


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