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View from the Summit

Career vs. Family - The Family Business Balance Battle

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 1, 2014 4:30:00 AM

Is your career a blessing to you and your family or a curse?  Can you truly achieve family business balance?

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Topics: Business, Marriage, Family, Balance, Career

Do You Have A Healthy Marriage That Will Last?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 23, 2014 8:31:00 AM

Our Perfect Little Marriage!

My wife Robin and I have been together a long time. We were high school sweethearts at just 16 and 15.  I remember teaching her how to drive. How many of you men can say that? In only two short weeks out of high school we were married at 19 and 18!  And even then, I knew someday we would be sitting on our porch watching the proverbial sunset and die holding hands…(sniff sniff) Wow! my life is as romantic as that movie The Notebook.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Marriage

I Know What I'm Doing - Leave Me Alone!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 4, 2014 8:19:00 AM

June 21st will be mine and Robins 34th wedding anniversary and it's been an absolute adventure.

Early in our relationship I pretty much thought I had it all figured out, and just needed to be left alone to do what was best (OK maybe I still think that from time to time, haha.)

I have had some reality checks along the way...

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Topics: Marriage


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