View from the Summit

Fear Missing An Opportunity More Than You Fear Failure

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 9, 2015 10:13:00 AM


Fear is the number one hurdle to success. Not a day goes by that I don't hear someone blame their fears. I'm afraid of this....I'm afraid of that.....I'm afraid get the point, people are afraid. As a life and business coach one of my first objectives is to discover what their afraid of, and why. Probing around usually uncovers the little "demon in the shadows". That little voice that is whispering in your ear, "you can't do it" or "if you do try and it fails, everyone will know". Have you ever experienced those underlying currents that plague us from the get go?


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Topics: Business, Motivation, Character, Finances

Fighting? How to Take Off the Gloves!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 16, 2015 5:30:00 AM

If you are like me, there are times in your life where it appears that your always fighting, either with the kids or your wife. There was at any moment the possibility of a minor war zone, land-mines planted just below the surface. 

I could pick any battle and have a horrendous fight that could last for hours.

We have become so busy with activities that we have forgotten how to enjoy life. When my daughters were involved with various school activities or the seasonal sport of the moment, there was always a game or competition.

Quite honestly, many times it was difficult to make every one. My heart was always with my girls but the mortgage was invariably due on the 15th, every month!

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Topics: Motivation, Character, Family

How I Set Up for a Productive Day

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 9, 2015 5:00:00 AM

It’s very simple, but it's my routine. Starting my day early is without question one of the keys to my success. I hear guys all the time talking about sleeping in. I guess that is a good thing once in a while, but for me a really late morning would be 6:00 AM.

As a rule, I’m up between 4:30 AM and 5:00 AM. I prepare the coffee maker the night before and a simple touch of the switch the following morning and presto, black magic. The finest drink on the planet, no cream and no sweetener, just pure dark rich black coffee.

Starting out with a full glass of water, a fresh banana and 5 minutes in my high back leather chair sets the mood. Now, I’m ready for the day….

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Business Coaching, Masterminds

Men, What is Your Motive?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 5, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Many years ago I would work tirelessly around the house helping Robin with various tasks and I was relentless with to-do list. Quite honestly, all for the wrong reason. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to help but I wanted to be noticed more.

When all my efforts went unnoticed or unappreciated, I sulked. I wanted those words of affirmation or recognition that I felt was due and payable. I wanted to be viewed as a great husband by Robin and I wanted to feel as though my dues were being paid. 

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Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Marriage, Family


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