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Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment? I Did!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 24, 2014 5:00:00 AM


5:35 AM this morning I leaned over to plug in the Christmas tree lights. I sat in my comfortable leather chair to start my day like I do 365 days a year. As I stared at the tree, memories raced through my head, some good, some not so good.

I felt a smile engross my face as good times reappeared in my mind and I felt the smile dissipate as I reflected on troubled times and missed opportunities with loved ones and friends. A week ago Robin and I sat at the kitchen table having dinner and she confronted me with tears in her eyes and said that I was robbing her of Christmas joy.

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Topics: Motivation, Family

Do You Hope to Just Wake Up Smarter Tomorrow?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 19, 2014 7:28:00 AM

How much effort do you put into being a smarter individual? I tease clients all the time and I say, “You are not just going to wake up tomorrow smarter”. I usually get blank stares or the inevitable “I just don’t have the time."

I’m like seriously? What that tells me is you are not making progress a priority.

Listen, if it’s really important to you, you will make the time. Go ahead, privately, be honest with yourself, admit what I am saying is true.

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Topics: Motivation, Balance, Career

What Is Your Definition Of Success?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 3, 2014 4:00:00 AM


My good friend Dan Miller shared a recent guest post on success which you can check out HERE. In his post he asked if there was an "easy way" to success.

In this powerful short video, leadership expert John Maxwell suggests success starts with knowing your purpose in life. 

Can you clearly articulate what your “purpose” in life is?

As we head into a new year this is a great time to begin examining what it is you feel called to.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what John Maxwell shared in this video. Watch the 3 minute video and leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

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Topics: Motivation

I Am Entitled

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 19, 2014 5:03:23 AM

Over the years I have had hundreds of employees work for me in various positions. Either full time, part time or sub contractors. I have had long term, short term and others that just didn't work out for whatever reason.

Annually I would perform a review of their past years progress and reward accordingly and offer suggestions on needed improvements. Almost without fail during their first years review they would ask about "cost of living raise" or "longevity" raise.


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Topics: Motivation, Character, Balance


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