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View from the Summit

Choose Wisely

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 9, 2017 12:37:51 PM


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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Tips

Put the Big Rocks First

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 8, 2017 7:47:13 AM

When you hire a life coach or a business coach, one of the initial pieces of advice they will give you is to put the big rocks first.


I have devoted an entire chapter of my book View From the Topto that topic alone.


When I coach clients one on one, I tell them when they fill their schedule and calendar to be sure to put the big rocks in first.


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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Coaching, Balance, Tips

Double Down on Good Deeds

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on May 29, 2017 1:12:05 PM

A gift can come in many different forms. When people talk about giving, the immediate inclination is to think of material possessions or a monetary value. However, some of the most generous gifts have nothing to do with money. Good business leaders are giving of their time, advice, and encouragement, and give the gift of empowerment to faithful workers who show aptitude.

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Topics: Motivation, Character, Tips

The Importance of Setting Boundaries

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on May 11, 2017 5:00:00 AM

The time to make a difficult decision often comes along when we least expect it.

Temptations, ethical dilemmas, and unforeseen fallouts in relationships have a tendency to spring up and confront people when they aren’t properly prepared to respond to them. A bad decision can leave a long-lasting impact on your life, and if you use poor judgement during a crisis, you can lose everything you’ve worked for.

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Topics: Motivation, Tips


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