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View from the Summit

Unexpectedly Finding Balance in Life

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 28, 2014 7:21:00 PM

I'll get to that later!


Recently, I took a day off to Kayak down the Caney Fork River with 8 of my buddies. Fishing was pretty lousy, but the company was amazing. What I thought was going to be a trip about fishing and making memories ended up being a trip learning about finding balance in life. It was so great to get caught up with everyone again. The business man in me enjoyed hearing how a couple of my friends made a killing with the recent sale of their companies.

Seeing one of my friends again was especially meaningful.

Over the past couple of years it has been difficult to connect with him. He was so focused on growing his business and building a large following it was hard for him to make time for anything else. Friends and family included. No question his business has done a lot of good for a lot of people, and his level of success and impact is impossible to measure. But how valuable are riches, success, and notoriety if your family loses you in the process? See, a short time back doctors discovered he has an incurable disease. After much treatment, prayers, and a lot of deep thinking, to say he has a new view on life is quite an understatement. It's amazing how the sudden awareness of our own mortality will cause us to look at family and life in a whole new dimension. My friend is suddenly, and unexpectedly, finding balance in life. Our last morning together, before we all headed home, my friend told me he no longer uses the phrase, "I'll get to that later". He now realizes a truth we all need to embrace, "later" may never happen.

"later" may never happen

Business is a good thing. Family is a good thing. But are you so focused on one you are neglecting the other? Are you telling yourself you will: work on your relationship with your wife, spend time with your kids...later? Today is the day. What are you putting off until later? Finding balance in life is something you need to do today. Struggling to find that balance? I would love to help. Be sure to leave a comment below or reach out using the contact form. Finding true balance starts with a plan. Let's work together to build a plan for your life.

Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching


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