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View from the Summit

Unmistakable Memories! Are You Making Them?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 7, 2015 5:04:00 AM



I have the distinct privilege of coaching Jamie Slingerland the Founder and President of J & R Photo. Jamie is an incredible businessman as well as an awesome dad, husband and faithful friend to many. 

The conventional methods of a client/coach interaction are totally obsolete when it comes to coaching Jamie. We tried numerous times to talk over the phone, meet at Pinewood Social, a trendy local restaurant and even video conference. Nothing seemed to hold Jamie’s attention like the great outdoors. These past 6 months have been an absolute blast. I will have to admit, it's been very productive. Recently, we've held our coaching sessions on Old Hickory Lake, Golf Club of Tennessee, Centennial Park, next door to the Parthenon, and various other outdoor venues. I’ll just have to be totally honest here; I love getting paid to visit each and every one of these places. But let me also speak up and say that these activities engage Jamie in a way that the traditional methods failed.

It is not about staying within the lines; it is about doing what works. Jamie will say himself that he understands the necessary actionable steps, retains more and engages on a deeper level from our non-conventional sessions than ever before.

Are you stuck in a rut? Are you trying to fit a square peg into a round hole? Why don’t you try something different? Why don’t you go where others have never been and leave a trail, rather than compacting an already worn out regiment that is not returning dividends? Find what works for you. I have such great admiration and respect for Jamie because he has vision. Jamie is not being confined to traditional methods.

This past Thursday he seriously blew my mind. Don't forget, he is paying me great money to be coached. He asked me if he could bring Diego, his ten-year-old son.  I was flabbergasted and said, “ it’s your dime, I’ll do whatever you want”.

We could have walked the park, went fishing or played golf. Oh no, he wanted to shoot guns!! I’m all in on this one! Heck yeah! I’m a handgun carry permit holder, hunting machine and an outdoors enthusiast. I loaded the truck, drove to my gentleman’s farm, and we had an absolute blast. We shot cans, trees, bugs and even rapid fired into the side of a hill. We laughed, joked and had competitive matches. I played a prank on Jamie with a 3” magnum load, and he about broke his shoulder. (Be sure to watch the video below, sorry Jamie.)

Do you see where this is going? Jamie is more interested in living a quality life, interacting with other men and spending quality time with his son than he is in just learning how to make one more buck. Don't get me wrong on this, his income has risen 24% over the past six months. He is doing all the right things to increase his revenues.

Honestly, Jamie has his priorities in order. Do you? Are there activities you need to be doing with your children? Do you have mentors that could teach you how to make a life while you’re making a living? It seems that Jamie is way ahead of the curve and realizes the value of a balanced life. 

Jamie & Diego, you have a very bright life ahead of you!


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Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Family, Fun


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