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View from the Summit

Using Adversity To Our Advantage

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 17, 2017 11:22:10 AM

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Use Adversity To Your Advantage Aaron Walker

In the movie A Knight's Tale, the main character is told by his father that a man can “change his stars” and “that if he believes enough, he can do anything.” While A Knight's Tale is a fictional story about a peasant who became a knight, and championed over other knights in tournaments and competitions across the globe, there are real people who have proved this theory true and accomplished far more than anyone could have ever expected of them. Aaron Walker is a prime example.

Aaron’s book, The View From the Top, is the ultimate depiction of an ordinary man living an extraordinary life. He gives readers a glimpse into his own life, from being born into a family who had nothing—to creating successful companies and amassing quantities of money that enable him to live the life of his choosing—Aaron’s hard work and determination to succeed has earned him the admiration of some of the world’s top entrepreneurs.

When times get tough, Aaron Walker anchors himself with an unwavering spirit of grit and determination to persevere through his troubles, and he amplifies these characteristics in such a vigorous manner that his influence is contagious. As a life coach and mastermind group leader, Aaron currently leads around 120 men through their own struggles and shows them how they can live a life of significance too. Any reader of View From the Top will quickly catch on to the principles and personality traits that Aaron has worked hard to embody throughout his journey, and the pages of his book are filled with a litany of examples and practical approaches for anyone who wishes to replicate these traits in their own life.

Being born into poverty doesn’t mean you have to stay there. Financial woes may seem insurmountable, but Aaron gives his readers the keys to escaping the burdens of debt and conquering the financial fears that weigh so many people down.

What type of work ethic do you have? Do you give up at the first sign of trouble, or do you accept the challenge and use it to fuel your efforts? Proverbs 24:10 admonishes those who quit in times of adversity, and Aaron Walker delivers real life examples of a man who uses adversity to his advantage and shatters through the obstacles that appear on his path.

Faith, hard work, and learning from failures have launched Aaron on an amazing trajectory towards being one of America’s most renowned entrepreneurs. From struggling with a lack of purpose in his late 20’s, to dealing with the aftermath of a tragic vehicle accident, to navigating through the consequences of business deals that went sour due to circumstances he couldn’t control, Aaron embraces the opportunities that adversity presents him with...and View From the Top serves as an outline for how you can use adversity to your advantage as well.

Pre-order your copy of View From the Top today and join Aaron Walker on a quest of ordinary men who use adversity to sharpen their perspective, and who continually conquer the challenges to living an extraordinary life of significance.

View From The Top Book by Aaron Walker

Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Tips


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