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View from the Summit

What Are You Passionate About?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 4, 2014 7:16:00 PM

People ask me all the time "If you could do it over again, what would you change"?


I know three things I would change. I would... Save more. Give more. Laugh more. While success hasn't come easy and the road has been difficult at times, I am amazed at the adventure I have been on. I've seen and done more than I ever dreamed. And I'm blessed beyond measure with a wonderful family and incredible friends.

Another thing I would change would be to discover what I was passionate about earlier in life.

I am always asking my clients, as well as young men I mentor, "What are you passionate about?" It is worth discovering your passions early in life. Life is pretty dull if every Monday you dread returning to your chosen profession. Without passion for what you do, it is hard to find "true success". Yet with excitement and vision come success and contentment in all areas of your life and work. Don't live a performance, don't just go through the motions. If you are not crazy in love with what you are doing, change. The old saying "life is short" is true. We have a short time to experience life and we had better take advantage of each day. It may feel impossible to change course in life. And it may not be the wisest thing to do... today. But you CAN create a long term plan to work towards a profession you love. The trick is to start. You may need to take slow steps at first, but start making those steps now. As a life and business coach I assist men regularly who are in transition. If you are feeling stuck and "without passion" let's connect. Please drop me a note HERE. Next time someone asks you, "What are you passionate about?" wouldn't it be great to answer with a smile on your face and confidence in your voice that you know EXACTLY what you are passionate about and that you are living out that passion every day?

Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching


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