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What Do We Do With Grief And Death?

Posted by Anthony Witt on Apr 10, 2020 9:05:03 AM


we need to turn towards our pain, loss, and death no matter what it is so that we can begin to move through the stages in order to come out the other side quicker.

If you’ve ever had the privilege of taking a Psychology class you may have heard of the Five Stages of Grief/Death. Some people actually make it seven stages but that would all depend on which psychologist you’re following.

The message today is simple: when we lose something, we have to grieve it and we nearly always have to move through these stages in order to come to a resolution.  The earliest stage of grief/death is denial. Denial works like this: we simply push it under the rug, turn away, walk away, completely ignore the facts and reality of what is going on.

In the midst of this entire economic and global pandemic, my friend’s business has been going gangbusters. He might say, “I’ve heard of businesses that have increased since all of this has occurred and I’ve heard of businesses that are failing; what’s the big idea?” In my opinion, here’s the big deal, his company installs stereo systems on cars. Now we don’t know what’s going to happen with the global or national economy, but it is probably not the wisest thing to be blowing all of your money on your car stereo. When I talk to him about this, he believes that many people are simply denying the facts and reality of what’s happening in society. They’re not looking at their situations realistically, they’re simply realizing that they have cash and blowing it on nonessential items. Here’s my point, we need to turn towards our pain, loss, and death no matter what it is so that we can begin to move through the stages in order to come out the other side quicker. If you lose your job, if you lose a contract, or if you have loss associated with what’s happening in society today, we need to begin to move through the stages of grief/death in order to come out the other side and begin to move forward. Don’t let what’s happening right now stop you from being great and moving forward and succeeding in the future. If you don’t deal with it now, you’ll have to deal with it later and if you deal with it later, it will definitely be worse.


Has anything died in your life recently?

Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Character, Masterminds, Family, Random, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Clarity, Burden, Decisions, Wisdom


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