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What I believe. What do you believe?

Posted by Anthony Witt on Jun 5, 2020 12:01:51 PM



it goes without saying that the perspective you look through is correct based on what you can see. The problem is, how much of the picture can you actually see and what is your perspective doing to create biases insi

What we believe is based on the perspective that we look through. So the question is, how do we know that our perspective is correct? Of course it goes without saying that the perspective you look through is correct based on what you can see. The problem is, how much of the picture can you actually see and what is your perspective doing to create biases inside you? When it comes to perspective, the vantage point of others will give us a much better picture of what is going on. I believe the things that I believe because of what I can see or what I have decided to accept from others. We become effective leaders when we allow others to show us their perspective and we make informed decisions based on this information. To be a leader we must be willing to listen and look. Because it is the perspective of others that will let us know that there is a burning trash can in the corner about to erupt.


The ineffective leader is the individual that puts his head down and does not listen to others. If we are tasked with being a leader or we desire to be a leader, it does not always require action. Quite often the most effective leaders are those that simply connect the dots. It’s not the leaders that create new systems, programs, or events to change the world; it is the countless leaders that connect the dots of the perspectives of others.


My challenge to you is what perspective are you believing? And is this perspective guided only by your experiences and vantage point? We grow together and individually when we move together. 

Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Masterminds, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Persistent, Discipline, Clarity, Self Development, Decisions, Be The Light, Encouragement, Be An Encouragement


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