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What Is A Professional Salesman? 5 Steps To Generate Sales In Your Professional Life

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Apr 23, 2021 9:46:30 AM


When you don’t understand what people want, the worst thing you can do is keep selling.


Have you ever missed out on a sale because it didn’t clearly define what you offer?  How many times have you lost an opportunity because you “verbally vomited”?  Maybe it was a potential customer or business partnership.

Most salespeople struggle at some point.  They work long hours, call every phone number, and knock on doors, and end up with nothing to show for their effort.  They use every tactic to persuade the customer that their product is the only one they will ever need.

Why is it so challenging to make a sale?  Because an excellent salesman knows the customer comes first.

Professionals fail to understand how to make a sale and pay a heavy price for it.

  • Customers leave, and the business loses revenue.
  • Team members lose focus and motivation to keep “knocking on doors.”
  • The culture of the business starts to deteriorate, putting less effort into its members.

When people think of a salesman, they think of somebody trying to convince them to buy something when they’re not interested.  Do you know anyone who purchased something they didn’t want to buy?

When you don’t understand what people want, the worst thing you can do is keep selling.  Even if you have an incredible product or service, if customers don’t know how it benefits them, they won’t buy it.

If a potential customer goes to an auto shop for an oil leak, that person’s on a mission to solve his problem.  He doesn’t want to hear about the new pair of environmentally friendly headlights on sale!  He only cares about finding solutions to his current issues.

To find more value-driven men and women who help you learn to solve people’s problems, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.


Selling Is Caring


                   Through faith, commitment, and an encouraging group

of people to support you, you’ll begin to get

better results from all your hard work.


We’ve all heard the old proverb, “You reap what you sow.”  A value-driven professional recognizes this when clearly explaining how they can solve the customers’ problems. They make time to guide them through the concerns so the customer can make time to buy their product.

People can sniff out a salesperson who only wants the next big break.  It’s like they have dollar signs instead of pupils, and everyone can tell!  Once he’s spotted, the chances of him making a sale reduce to zero.

Now you may be reading this and think, “Big A!  Everything you’re writing is spot-on!  I’ve missed out on so many sales because I haven’t known HOW to solve people’s problems.  What do I need to do?”

I understand.  It’s easy to put ourselves first and forget we’re in the business of solving customer’s problems.  But there’s good news:  It’s simple to learn how to engage people to make the sale.  Through faith, commitment, and an encouraging group of people to support you, you’ll begin to get better results from all your hard work.

In his book, Business Made Simple, author Donald Miller explains five points to engage your customers and see your sales increase.

5 Steps To Increase Your Sales

According to Miller, great salespeople operate by a framework of offering clients the custom help they need.  As your business grows, your sales process scales with it. It revolves around a simple principle:  make the customer the hero.

1. Qualify Your Lead

When you sell, the customer will only buy if they value what you offer.  It’s essential to write down a list of factors that determine which audience will appreciate your product or service.  To find who’s most likely to buy, we ask three questions:

  1. Does the client face a problem the product solves?
  2. Can the client afford the product?
  3. Does the client have the authority to buy the product?

If your audience isn’t struggling with a problem you can solve, move on to another.

2. Introduce The Solution

Everyone has a problem they want to solve.  As value-driven professionals recognize people’s needs, they don’t want to be likable; they need to be trustworthy, and they know how to tell a story to help the customer see the solution to their needs.

A successful story is formatted with five components:

  1. “I see you struggling with _____ problem.”
  2. “I see that _____ problem is causing _____ frustration.”
  3. “Our product or service resolves _____ frustration by addressing _____ problem.”
  4. “We’ve worked with hundreds of clients with _____ problems, and here are the results.”
  5. “Let’s create a step-by-step plan to address your problem and resolve your frustration.”

3. Stay In Your Lane

Potential customers walk away from a purchase because salespeople don’t help them resolve their problems.  A value-driven professional knows everything he says must revolve around the customer’s situation.  He becomes a guide, leading people towards the solution they need.

A salesperson guides you when he:

  • Reminds the customer how to solve the problem.
  • Gives the customer a plan to solve the problem.
  • Communicates the results of solving the problem.

4. Lay Out Your Sales Pitch

Salespeople often summarize their product in bullet points when they present it to customers, only to find out they reject it.  When they give a quick summary of the product’s value and solution, it always leaves customers confused.  If there is no call to action, no one will buy what salespeople offer.

When we present to customers, they must be involved in the solution and sale results.  Here’s a template for a good proposal:

  1. Address the customer’s problem
  2. Describe how the product solves the problem
  3. Illustrate the plan to apply the product to the problem
  4. State the cost and options
  5. Illustrate what the customer will get from the solution

5. Close The Sale

Salespeople struggle when they close a sale because of the big “What if”.  “What if I get rejected?”  This fear often cripples a salesperson and doesn’t try to close the deal.

Great salespeople dedicate themselves to overcome the fear of rejection.  If the product provides the solution to see the change the customers want to see, why fear?  Salespeople can call customers to action with confidence!

As a value-driven professional, you now know how to engage your customer’s problems to multiply your business income.  Learn to slow down, find the right audience, and put them first.  Through dedication and patience, you’ll inspire customers to action and close every sale.

Surround yourself with other value-driven professionals to help you create action for your success today.  Reach out to us at our website, and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.


Topics: Business, Motivation, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Reputation, Development, Listen, Encouragement, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Perseverance, Execution, fingerprint, Strategy, Mission, Obstacles, Expectation, Patience, Value, Branding, Ideas, Product, Journey, value-driven

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