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View from the Summit

What is an ISI or an Iron Sharpens Iron Group?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 6, 2014 5:00:00 AM


Iron Sharpens Iron (ISI) is a Biblical reference as to how one man's influence could be a positive influence on another. As we experience life we are in dire need for trusted advisors. When we come together in small groups it allows for an honest dialogue void of condemnation.

Men need a safe environment to seek the council of the multitudes. When left to our personal desires, we might miss an opportunity of a lifetime. Men gathering on a regular basis forms relationships that soon become inseparable.

Communication is paramount to growth not only intellectually and emotionally but spiritually as well. Gathering with men of like mind and mission gives a sense of camaraderie second to none.

The hour long weekly meetings are held via Zoom internet meeting rooms as to allow you to participate regardless of your location. It's easy, convenient and comfortable from your home or business.

When applications are received I personally review and interview the applicant to determine their level of interest. I want to make certain they are in the group that meets their needs the best.

If you have never experienced a men's group as described you possibly are not living up to your personal full potential.


Take a couple minutes and contact me personally for further details about ISI groups at Aaron@Viewfromthetop.com 


Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds


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