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What Makes A Transformational Leader?: 4 Characteristics To Deliver Massive Success In Your Professional Life

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Jun 18, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Every time you invest in your vision, your commitment increases for your goals. (2)

Have you ever had a project fail to deliver the promised results? What consequences did you take ownership over because you didn’t complete deadlines? If you could travel back in time, what changes would you make to make your life better?

Every person has made decisions and achieved poor results. They often blame others when they make mistakes. People never reach success when they point fingers at others.

You have the choice between two kinds of suffering: long and short-term. When you don’t invest in your projects and commitments, you sow seeds of laziness and inconsistency.

Jim Dethmer says, “Commitment is a statement of what ‘is.’ You can know by your results what you’re committed to, but not by what you say your commitments are. We’re all committed. The result is proof of a commitment.” Jim hit the nail on the head!

When people focus on “grinding” towards their goals, they quickly become discouraged.  Business coaches say it takes 40-55 hours a week for a startup company to generate momentum. Imagine a tech company that invests 80 hours in a workweek and hires a team to specify the work: what kind of success could they achieve?

Professionals achieve success when they prioritize who they have on their team. When you shift your focus to reliable people, you multiply your opportunities. Especially as each team member fills a specific role, you create a well-oiled team.

As a manager, you must have freedom from time and money to coordinate with your team members. When you hire employees capable of significant tasks, your team is empowered to move projects forward to massive success. Specific tasks create committed results.

To find a community of commitment-focused professionals who can help unlock your success, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

The Escalation Of Commitment

Every time you invest in your vision, your commitment increases for your goals. Suppose you prioritize your “who” over your “how.” You’ll avoid the painful lessons new entrepreneurs make in their businesses.  Psychologists call this Escalation of Commitment.

When you increase your commitment, you create an intensity in your momentum and clarify your vision. The time it takes to complete tasks decreases. You can work on specific projects and generate more income.

As you commit to your best self, your team begins to power forward, and they deliver outstanding results. Your employees will abound with confidence because you first believed in them! No matter what obstacle they face on the job, you can rest assured they can and will handle the challenge.

Many people could retort, “Big A! That’s easy for you to say. You don’t know what I’ve been through and how hard it is to find good work nowadays.”

I understand. We all experience rough patches and struggle to overcome them. Without dedication to your “whos,” you’ll manage every task and have little to show for your effort.  It takes faith, hard work, and support from people who believe in your mission.

Let’s take a look at what we call Transformational Leadership Theory.

4 Characteristics Of Transformational Leaders

In their book, Who Not How, authors Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy describe the characteristics of transforming average employees into confident, results-driven professionals.  Can you guess where it starts? With the leader!

1. Consider Every Team Member

Every leader understands that to achieve high-level results, they have to invest in their team. Excellent coaches listen to employee’s opinions and attend to their needs. Through presenting challenges and supporting each team member, they’ll grow beyond your expectations. When you give to people, they will sow back into you!

2. Challenge Their Way Of Thinking

When business owners reach a point when they need to hire an employee, they often just want someone to reduce the workload. It’s rare to see a business owner go further beyond fundamentals and train people for excellence. They need to think bigger.

Every professional recognizes the value of challenging people’s assumptions and bringing creative ideas to the table. Take time to stimulate and encourage your team. Allow them to ask questions and make decisions about how to execute their tasks better.

3. Inspire Them To Action

As business owners, we must create an appealing vision for our teams. To achieve success, every member needs a strong sense of purpose to motivate them towards their goals.

You must make the vision understandable and robust to engage your team to provide the best results for their tasks.  They’ll demonstrate encouragement and optimism about the future and believe in their abilities.

4. Motivate With Your Behavior

As a leader, you need to model the highest standard of behavior. This instills self-esteem and creates a positive culture in your team. People follow you because of the character you show, not the words you say.

Take time to develop an image for people to become inspired by. They’ll want to be like you, learn from you, and transform into their best selves.

A transformational leader creates excellent work environments and inspires their team beyond company expectations. Your team will blossom when you nurture their interests and goals.  When you take time to provide for your team, they will carry you towards success!

As you work through this, you’ll need other professionals who can help you inspire your team towards massive success. Reach out to us at our website and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character, Masterminds, Balance, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Burden, Crossroads, Wisdom, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, RoadMap, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Advice, Authenticity, Strategy, Vision, Mission, Vision Driven Leader, Obstacles, Purpose, Value, Journey, Connections


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