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Who Does Mastermind Groups?

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on May 12, 2020 12:20:03 PM


Who does MM (2)

Something that might catch you off-guard when you start your own online mastermind group is how many people have never heard of the concept.


I have to admit, when I attempted my third retirement in 2010, and Dave Ramsey and Dan Miller talked me out of it, I only knew about our business mastermind, the Eagles. It never occurred to me that there were hundreds or thousands of groups online. I started my next career with one-on-one business coaching services, for just two clients.


Coaching proved difficult to scale, however, and I’m not the type of person to have a small, local operation that only serves a handful of people. Whatever business I’ve ever done, it’s always scaled. I do multiple locations, I hire lots of employees and I always have my eye on providing more value to more people.


Still, a lot of people don’t really understand the idea. They’re even less certain of how to own and operate a mastermind business. I want to point out some people I know, whose names you might recognize, and whose opinions are valued and respected in the business world. 


I don’t say this to brag, but maybe to give you a little encouragement and reassurance as you make your decision. I also want to steer this toward a tool we’ve created, that helps facilitators start, grow and scale their own mastermind groups online. It’s called The Mastermind Playbook.




This year, I made my fifth appearance on John Lee Dumas’ podcast, Entrepreneur On Fire. If you haven’t heard of him, John Lee has one of the top ten largest podcast audiences in the world. We had a great conversation, but the Playbook resonated deeply with him, to the extent he endorsed it


Ray Edwards


Ray and I have been friends for a while, and he is one of the finest and most successful copywriters I know. When Ray learned about the Playbook, he invited me to appear on his podcast. A couple of weeks before, I gave him access to try it out and he wrote to say he’d never seen anything so comprehensive and chock-full of value. He told me he couldn’t stop reading it, and planned to start implementing it immediately in his own master mind groups.


Pete Vargas


Pete came to speak at our last live event in October 2019, and he is an A-level consultant teaching entrepreneurs to sell from the stage. Pete said he was impressed by the commitment, dedication and deep bonds of the men of Iron Sharpens Iron. He saw how closely we pay attention to creating a unique experience for members, and provided this fine testimonial when we shared the Playbook with him.


And that’s not to speak of all the top influencers online - Russell Brunson, Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy, Craig Ballantyne, Bedros Keuilian - they all participate in or lead masterminds online.


Who Else Uses Masterminds?


I want to invite you to my YouTube channel to view some of the testimonials from people who have bought and used The Mastermind Playbook. There are plenty of them, but I just want to summarize a few for you here.


“My good friend Aaron Walker and his Mastermind Playbook are absolutely incredible. We are thrilled that everyone will get a chance to learn from him.” - Dave Ramsey


“For anyone interested in adding a mastermind to their practice, I highly recommend Aaron Walker’s Mastermind Playbook. From the training videos to the pre-populated documents, to the back-office system, Aaron has literally included everything from A to Z that you need to run and operate an impactful mastermind.” - Tommy Breedlove


“I have purchased loads of programs, courses and different types of playbooks online over the years. Most of which have left me with losing the will to live, because you get the course, but you also get so much other bonus material that isn’t relevant or pertinent. The Mastermind Playbook is completely the opposite. It is the most amazingly comprehensive ‘business-in-a-box’ that you could find.” - John Murphy


“It’s an amazing resource. Aaron’s given me the blueprint on how to implement this. The results have been phenomenal. I’ve been able to double my fees for my group. I can’t encourage you enough to take a look at The Mastermind Playbook. It’s been game-changing for me, and it will be game-changing for you as well.” - Brian McRae


Next Steps


Do you notice a pattern here? People who do business with a true passion for serving others are a natural fit for this. So are business coaches, ministry professionals and anyone who helps people grow and improve their lives.


If you want to take a closer look at this, I want to invite you to a special page we’ve created for The Mastermind Playbook. We’d love to meet you where you are and see if this is the right next move for your business.


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