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View from the Summit

Who Has Your Daughter's Ear?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 24, 2014 5:00:00 AM


I was talking to another guy a couple days ago discussing difficult topics. Many times as a dad I wanted to dismiss myself from certain conversations. 

On a trip to Destin, Florida, several years ago with my wife and two daughters I found myself confronted with real life teenage questions. As my oldest daughter and I walked the beach late one afternoon, the inevitable boy conversation rolled around.

Wow, I was not prepared nor interested in going down this path. Thankfully, most of the topics were easy and non threatening. However, the timing was right to go down a road that is a dad's worst nightmare: dating. 

My daughter was in her early teens and the unavoidable sex talk had happened years earlier. As we covered many miles during that conversation I had to make a decision as to the level I would allow this conversation to go. The more we talked the more compelled I was to be blatantly honest with her.

As I thought about young teenage boys taking my daughter out, the more honest I was willing to be. As her dad I was the only male in her life that would tell her the absolute truth:

I, as you, want the best for my children

Sometimes the truth is tough and most of the time it's not a very fun conversation to have.

As her dad, I was very sensitive to her questions

And as a normal parent, I wanted to make her aware without making her cynical.

Often times we take for granted what people should know. I have found in coaching that I should never assume anything, especially with teenage children. 

What about you? Are you willing to go down this road? Are you willing to have these difficult, uncomfortable conversations with your teenage children? No one cares about your children like you. Take the time to invest, it pays huge dividends.
Please leave a comment if you find this helpful. Also, if you have a question for me as a life and business coach post it here or email me at aaron@viewfromthetop.com.

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