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View from the Summit

Who Is Your Trusted Advisor?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 16, 2014 8:46:00 AM


  • Who do you talk to when you are undecided?
  • Who’s an unbiased advisor when the chips are down?
  • When you’re deciding between good and best, who’s your trusted advisor?

Most of the time what I hear is “I don’t have one”.

We generally revert to a life long friend or business associate in another field. We call legal council or talk to our spiritual advisor. All of these people have a significant role in our life but rarely can they offer an unbiased honest opinion for fear of leading you astray.

They want to help but their desire for you to get what you want is greater than their desire to offer sound advice. Your friends and coworkers want to be liked by you. Your lawyer and banker have a vested interest. Your wife wants what’s easiest for you and your children support you regardless.

Who Is Your Trusted Advisor? Aaron Walker Coach

What you need is a coach.

You need a life or business coach that speaks the truth and helps you stay true to your plan. You need encouragement some days, reprimanding some days and accountability everyday. If you want success, get a plan and get a coach

Topics: Life Coaching


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