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View from the Summit

Winning Is Never Out Of Reach.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 23, 2015 9:18:00 AM



I was mesmerized standing atop the scenic overview. It didn't seem to bother me any that it was pouring down rain. The Westerdam of Holland America and The Princes of Norwegian looked like toys in the harbor of Charlotte Amalie. Visiting the highest point of the island allowed panoramic views of St Thomas. For many reasons, this is my favorite island. Robin and I honeymooned here 35 years ago, and we have made four subsequent visits. Tourism remains the number one industry, and it is very evident based on the number of jewelry stores. I have made my fair share of contributions to the precious metals and gemstones portion of Robin's portfolio. However, it's not the stores that continue to lure us back it's the warm hospitality of the islanders and the endless turquoise water.

My thoughts drowned the crowds laughter as I went down memory lane. Racing through my mind continually was how thankful I am to find myself in such a beautiful place. How am I now able to be at a point in my career to enjoy such a fabulous experience? Coming from a very humble beginning as a child, where vacations were only talked about and rarely taken. I am very appreciative to my parents for all they provided, but vacations were not on the agenda.

I wanted to take just a brief moment if you would allow, and encourage you. If you have achieved great success and blessings have come your way, I'm extremely grateful and excited for you. If for whatever reason this does not identify you, please continue reading.

It does not matter what's happened in the past. We are all afforded opportunities to accomplish great things if you want. It doesn't matter what the past has dealt you; it's what's ahead that is important.
I would like to discuss a couple more ingredients necessary beyond desire. It's somewhat of a foreign language to many, but not to you. There is no way you would be reading this if you were not a diligent, hard working person. I will warn you, I'm about to say a four letter word, "work". There is no hidden secret; it's really hard work to be successful. Long hours, strategic planning, delayed gratification and immeasurable grit and determination all go into the mix. And all of a sudden, one day you look up, and you're standing on an observation tower overlooking some tropical paradise. You see, I don't want to mislead you. I don't want you to think that the prize comes easy; it doesn't. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. If it were easy, the crowd today standing with me would have been much larger. As I write this, I'm sitting on the balcony of our stateroom, passing smaller islands as we leave the port. Robin is admiring the beautiful sunset and watching the waves dance in the distance like ballerinas.

I don't tell you this to boast of my abilities, I tell you this to encourage your possibilities. What about you? Is it worth the effort? Are you willing to plan diligently and sacrifice the immediate for the long term benefits? I bet you are. I'm confident that if you put your mind to the task you would be pleasantly surprised how well you could do. Sit down tonight with your spouse and began to unfold a masterfully detailed plan of your life. Be proactive in your actions. Be intentional and live life on purpose. I'm standing in the shadows, cheering for you.

Live on purpose, 






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