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View from the Summit

Your Seat At The Mastermind Table

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Apr 8, 2020 11:09:01 AM

Well, it’s an interesting season in history to be talking about mastermind groups, right in the middle of a global panic. But if you ask me, there’s no better time to be part of one.


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I’ve had the privilege of being on nearly 2000 podcast interviews over the last six years. It’s connected me with many powerful and influential people. Most of them, you’ve never heard of. Several are looking for ways to add a revenue stream and change people’s lives.


Maybe that’s you, if you’re reading this. Maybe you’re a business coach looking to influence more entrepreneurs, or a Christian life coach passionate about healthy marriages and thriving families. Or maybe you’re a top seller or executive in a particular trade or industry.


Masterminds Prevent Panic


It might seem like an odd time to be pushing online mastermind groups, during the coronavirus scare. Let me tell you why it’s important.


You’ll hear me say this often: “Isolation is the enemy of excellence.” The problem with large numbers of people acting in fear of the same thing is it’s overwhelming. If you face times like these alone, you’ll have very few other points of view influencing how you react. You might even become susceptible to being overcome by fear.


It was a huge relief, as the coronavirus panic reached a fever pitch, to be in the presence of the men of Iron Sharpens Iron so frequently. They were prayerful, reassuring, confident, fearless and compassionate. They listened patiently. Mostly, we agreed that God presented us with a new reality and opportunity. I left each meeting with growing encouragement.


Fear has far less power among the strength of many. That’s the interesting thing about our inner darkness. It doesn’t want to work hard. So, if there are more people around to confront it, it hides. When that happens, it begins to lose a lot of its power over you. Then one day, you’ll find yourself impervious to it.


Meanwhile, In Your World


We weathered the coronavirus storm well. But when it comes to serving your network and audience, there’s a BIG difference between you and me.


You see, I have built and scaled an entire online mastermind group. We now have 19 separate groups, and we’re expanding beyond our traditional audience. My model keeps attracting world class entrepreneurs and visionaries.


So you might sit there thinking, “Big A! You’re much more qualified to have people in my network in your master mind group!” 


I have good news for you … I couldn’t disagree more.


The One Thing Common to All Your Relationships


You can probably guess what it is … YOU! That’s right. You are the common denominator, the recurring presence, in each of your relationships. And this mastermind business? It is ALL about relationships. Just try telling your people about me one day. You’ll get all kinds of reactions, from curiosity to “couldn’t care less.”


The way I see it, you could send me a referral for a member. I’d be grateful, don’t get me wrong. But how does that help you, much less your network? If you’re looking at masterminds and thinking, “This would be perfect for so-and-so,” I think you might as well be the one running the group and getting paid to do it.


That’s why we’ve created The Mastermind Playbook. For one thing, there are far too many people out there who need groups, and not enough groups to serve them. But also, there’s no way I could have the degree of influence and connection with your friends and associates that you do. Your part of the world needs YOU to be that leader.


The Real Virus


I hate to beat a dead horse. But if you’re like me, you know the real virus gripping the world today is fear, anxiety, turmoil, isolation, bitterness, greed, what have you. We’ve had plenty of flu bug scares over my lifetime. We’ve never had a population so scared.


One reason they’re scared is they’re alone. And that means one alternative they might be wishing they had was fellowship, camaraderie and a dependable place they could go to talk about these things.


YOU can provide that for them by starting your own mastermind group online. A circle of trusted advisors, who bring an environment of transparency, authenticity and vulnerability.


If you’re uncertain of how to start such a group, we’ve got an answer for that too. I want you to go check out The Mastermind Playbook to learn how to start, grow and scale your group. This is the authoritative guide on leveraging your strongest relationships into an alliance that attracts other, like-minded individuals.


Your network needs you, now more than ever. Don’t miss the moment to become a super connector - and enrich your life and happiness in the process.


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